March 1st hive check
Jennifer Miles
Very warm March 1st day. Checked on the bees this afternoon around 1 pm. 69 degrees. There is still some snow on the ground. Checking bees in March in Colorado is weird. It’s typically anyone’s guess as to what the weather will be. There will likely be more snow and cold weather coming our way. February and March are usually when hives starve to death so it’s really important to check that the bees have enough stored during the next few weeks.
This was my first hive check this year. When I open the hive I can feel the electricity of spring. The bees are reproducing so quickly this time of year. The Silver Maple trees are the first pollen source for honeybees and they are starting to bring it in. No flowers are blooming just yet.
I currently have 4 hives and all but 1 have moved up to the top of the hive and are eating the sugar cap I put on in late fall. I added another layer of newspaper and poured more sugar in. Didn’t pull any frames out just yet. Didn’t feel warm enough and didn’t want to break the sugar cap. We are looking at more snow next week and highs in the teens during the day. Super cold at night.
For winter feeding, I use the Mountian Camp Sugar Method. When I close the hives up for winter, I put 2 layers of newspaper over the brood nest. I place a 1-inch spacer on top of the newspaper and pour as much pure cane sugar that will fit in the spacer. Then the inner cover is followed by the telescoping lid. I have been using this method for years and I swear by it. Not only is it insurance that the bees won’t starve, but it also adds as an insulator and absorbs moisture. When the humidity in the hive builds up, the sugar absorbs the moisture and turns the sugar into hard candy. If the bees run low on honey, they can use the sugar if they need it.
Will do another hive check when the weather warms up. Really looking forward to seeing what the bees will do this year:)
Thanks for reading. X